Friday, January 21, 2011

In which I get my groove back...

Yes, true, I've let this blog take a long sabbatical. But, I have legitimate achievements to report from the interim.

1. I worked as a field organizer on a great candidate's campaign during the 2010 election-- it was as awesome, insane, exhausting, and rewarding as I remember. Michigan's electorate made a huge error in not electing Jocelyn Benson, of this I am sure. I hope and expect that she'll be one to watch.

2. I finally, fi-nal-ly, FINALLY graduated. And it only took a shade over a decade! This is the first time since I graduated high school that I don't have some sort of academic concern-- reading to do, a paper to research, etc. It was nice at first, and now it's just straight-up weird.

3. I finished the first real draft of my first screenplay. (It's actually a teleplay, if you want to get technical.) I was working on an adaptation-- I can't remember if I'd already written about that particular ambition in a blog entry...hmm...-- but my USB drive went missing, so in order to meet a deadline, I had to start over. The surgery stuff was, and is, the most recent dramatic episode in my life, so it seemed like a good place to start. And my creepy "Rain Man" memory was, and is [for chrissakes], overflowing with detailed accounts of conversations from that whole ordeal-- talks with Katie, consultations with the doctors, etc.-- which made for pretty fluent scenes. As an added bonus, I had this blog as a pretty accurate, sometimes funny, entirely human, first-person account. The screenplay is appropriately titled "WTF?!", and someday, when it gets produced, all of you who read this will officially become early adopters. know...something to look forward to.

And, no, you may not read it.

So, with a freshly inked diploma in hand, I am on the hunt for a job and a ticket out of town. Stay tuned.

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