Monday, March 7, 2011

I just passed the 3-week mark on the DKM DC Detox Initiative and, may I just say?, holy shit...I finally feel some of the good I was anticipating. So far, I've noticed 2 significant improvements. One: I feel like my mental accuity has sped up/increased/sharpened/whatever. It is as though my store of intellect is within closer reach; it's like [enter some computer analogy that refers to improving the performance of a CPU]. Yes, I've become an even-more flagrant know-it-all smart-ass. Two: food has become more satisfying and delicious. Mama Jan and I made a quick trip to see the Cinci-kinfolk and ate our requisite fill of Skyline Chili. Normally, I eat Skyline with Diet Pepsi, and when I'm done, I always want more to eat even if I can feel my full stomach. Today's Skyline was washed down with ice water and a little bit of regular Pepsi...I really wanted some pop...and there was a marked difference in how I felt afterwards. The food was effing delicious, as ever, but I didn't have that satiety issue. There's been some interesting developments in this process! More soon-- I'm writing this entry on Jan's Blackberry while we drive north on 75, and I feel like I might urp from the motion grossness.

BTW, the Matt Damon moment continues...


  1. The first time I visited Cincinnati, I flew in at night. I asked my cab-driver from the airport about Cincinnati 5-Way Chili. He said he like to eat it at the beginning of his shift, because the indigestion would keep him up all night!


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